Who can submit

Anyone who is associated with IDC

What can be submitted

  1. THe topic is of relevance to design research
  2. It is an original text/manuscript/opinion/expression/ [Rants are opinions too]

How to submit

  • Admin of the website uses following email id: researchinidc@gmail.com
  • They can create credentials for you. This communication can be done over email
  • Once you have the credentials, you can add/publish the post.


Pretty much like reddit roles or wordpress roles

  • Gl-admin: Admin role. Can do all the stuff to the website
  • Left-writer: Can post stuff on blogs only, not to other permalinks and cannot change the configs of the website
  • Moderator: Can publish the site. Admin can do this as well.

Some stuff to note and take care of

  • One can add to the website using your credentials as follows:
    The window will be divided in two parts, vertically. On the left, there you can add your content either in rich text like MS-word or one can use markdown (I think is kramdown since it is essentially a static site generator). If you speak HTML, you can also use that by turning on the markdown toggle switch (Pretty standard for markdown users)
  • This is like wordpress, but not wordpress. This is like a flat-file static site generator but with some automation from Netlify. Hence, whenever you pubish or update the content of the site, there will be some delay (~30000 ms) to reflect the changes you made. So, please be patient as Netlify builds the website (yes, entire website within ~2000 ms, pushes it to a git repo ~20000 ms) for you using a single click.
  • Provide author link or description at the end of the article.
    Example: Rahul Murugan Shaikh
    The post is written by Rahul Murugan Shaikh. He studies presence of accent in students after they come from exchange. He likes to write about animals on campuses and their effect on student academmics. He can be contacted via rahulmurushaikh@gmail.com